Membership is automatic and extended to the spouses and partners of Mayo Clinic Rochester consultants, voting administrative staff, senior associate consultants, associate consultants, and Mayo Clinic Scholars at the time of Mayo Clinic appointment.
Spouses of deceased or emeritus staff are honorary members of the Society.
Membership Cost
There are no mandatory dues for membership. However, voluntary annual dues of $35 are welcomed to support the group's activities and operating expenses.
Emeritus members are not required to pay dues.
Members Communication
Annual Events invitations are sent by mail. For all other communications, we use email and a private Facebook group. Be sure to join our email list and Facebook group to stay informed.
Your Dues at Work
Your dues are used to welcome spouses of designated staff members, host relationship-building events and activities, and support programs within the Mayo Families' Connection.
If you’d like more information about our memberships and dues, visit our FAQ or contact us.
The Alice Mayo Society encourages members to pay dues by check as it allows your entire dues payment to go toward our programming. However, we offer three convenient ways to pay dues or make donations to the Alice Mayo Society:
Mail-in Payment
The Alice Mayo Society
P.O. Box 383
Rochester, MN 55903
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